Dave’s Blog for January 2021

Hello — and welcome to my first blog post.  I plan to use this blog to keep my students and other interested parties updated on concerts and lectures, at this point, all digital/streaming.  The focus will be piano — solo, chamber, or concerti.  Most will be classical, but I like all sorts of music.  So who knows?

The Seattle Chamber Music Festival, seattlechambermusic.org, is a renowned festival featuring world-class performers.  There is a three-week festival held in Seattle (and online) during the summer and a week-long Winter Festival in January 2021.  There are two upcoming Winter Festival performances that should be interesting:  Beethoven’s Archduke Trio on Feb. 10 and Brahms’s Trio, Op. 8 on Feb. 13.  Each trio has a violin, cello, and piano.  It would be interesting to compare the Brahms trio to Beethoven’s (Brahms was born in 1833, six years after Beethoven’s death).

The Berlin Philharmonic has another excellent streaming site, digitalconcerthall.com , with many upcoming concerts.  Pay attention to the hip German pianist, Igor Levit, playing the Beethoven Piano Concert No. 5 in E Flat Major on March 6 at 10 am (PST).  Keep your eye open for him in other venues.  According to The New Yorker, “Igor Levit is like no other pianist."

Happy New Year, and Have a great 2021!


Lady Gaga’s radical approach to “The Star Spangled Banner” — and February piano events